Industrial land - Thanh Phu IZ
Industrial land - Thanh Phu IZ
Information of Thanh Phu IZ
- Location: Thanh Phu communes, Vinh Cuu district, Dong Nai province
- The operating term of Industrial Zone is August 23rd 2056
- Total area: 177.2 ha
- Industrial land: 130.1 ha
- Occupancy rate: 60%
Technical Infrastructure
Water supply
- Supplied by Dong Nai Water Supply Company
- Current applied price: detail at
Power supply
- Power supplier from national gridline from the tranmission of 50 MVA and gridline of 22kV
- Current applied price: detail at Decision No. 648/QĐ-BCT dated 20/03/2019 regulated of electricity price of The Minister of Indutry and Trade.
Telecommunication system
- Complete technological corridor system for telecom services
Sewage system
- Capacity: 5.600 m3/day, biotechnology combined physiochemical
- The wastewater after treatment: applied the standard of QCVN 40:2011/BTNMT, Colume A.
- Fee (exclusive of VAT) : Current fee is USD 0,35/m3
Ngo Thi Lan Anh (Ms.) – Sale Department
- Tel: (84) 251 3834700/ext 119 – Mobile: (84) 916 225 612
- Email:
Huynh Ngoc Dan Vy (Ms.) – Sale Department
- Tel: (84) 251 3834700/ext 105 – Mobile: (84) 902 859868
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